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Sheet music by Marie Rolf

Marie Rolf is Professor of Music Theory and Associate Dean of Graduate Studies at the Eastman School of Music. Under her leadership, new diploma and certificate programs in Orchestral Studies, Ethnomusicology, Pedagogy, and Sacred Music have been developed and implemented. She also grants approximately 350 graduate awards annually and chairs the interdepartmental committees that oversee all graduate curricula and policies at Eastman. She served as Chair of the Theory Department (1990-95), during which time the MA in Theory Pedagogy was developed and first offered and other initiatives took place.

F. Hensel: Ostersonate, Klav
Fanny Hensel

Ostersonate (“Easter Sonata”)

Bärenreiter Urtext

for: Piano

Music score (Urtext edition)

Item no.: 1615875

36.95  €incl. VAT, plus shipping
In stock. Delivery time: 1–3 working days (de)
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